ATTENDING: Ian Fraser (Chair), Tommy Menzies (vice), Bill Mackenzie, Jamie Dunsmore, Jenny Maclennan, (Minute Secretary Morley Meinertz)
1. WELCOME: The Chairman welcomed those present
2. APOLOGIES: Jane Menzies (Treasurer)
3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON 19TH NOVEMBER 2014 were ratified, signed by the Chairman and seconded by Jamie.
i) AGM Report – 500 leaflets advertising the event had been distributed resulting in only four new attendees, although the turn-out was better. There was general interest in the discussion but the number of people prepared to volunteer time remains low.
ii) Bank Signatories require to be revised.
iii) Reserve account – The question of MFG money being ring-fenced was raised. The current Business Reserve account, showing a nil balance, could be used in this way for donations, grants etc. More accurate accounting is required and Ian needs a copy of bank details. We also need to establish whether cheques can be raised on this account.
iv) McKenzie Kerr (Auditors) have quoted £825 for an audit. The books require to be properly presented and in their hands by March. With the recent changes in the Board, it was suggested that it may be necessary to delay this. Jenny agreed to follow this up. ACTION: Jenny
v) Website – Ian reported that we were now in a position to obtain statistics from the Website. These statistics are available online and can be downloaded from the Directors dropbox account.
The Board agreed to the new Community Council member joining the Directors. Jenny will deal with the necessary paper-work. ACTION: Jenny
The urgent need for such a post, to increase our number and advertise/promote the group was discussed. It was suggested that we advertise through the ‘Roundabout’ and the Website which would also have the benefit of letting the community know who to contact. A Membership Secretary, to compile a list of email addresses etc. was also required The necessity of distinguishing between MAG and MAC was highlighted. Jenny agreed to ascertain who is responsible for the ‘Roundabout’ and could facilitate these needs. Ian would also include this on the website. ACTION: Jenny & Ian
Tommy Menzies tabled a magazine produced monthly by Muir of Ord at a charge £1, copies of which are sold in local schools, stores etc. and is also on their website. It was agreed that such an initiative here could include Community Council information, local news, school reports etc. and sold at the Gala and that a grant may be available for this. With sufficient advertising, it might be possible to produce this quarterly.
7. TREASURER’S REPORT (2014 Accounts):
A report prepared by Jane on the information currently available to her was tabled. While the accounts show a positive balance, the proceeds from the use of the hall were negligible and outstanding cheques remain to be presented. Signatories will require to be changed and Jane will attend to this. ACTION: Jane
i) Submission to Companies House (18th March 2015)
Jane has the accounts in order, with some clarification still required and will complete a report for distribution to meet the March deadline. It was agreed that Jane have access to bank statements and that these should be delivered directly to the Board at the hall and distributed from there. This first Submission does not require checking by McKenzie Kerr but can be undertaken by an independent body.
ii) Submission to Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (31st March 2015)
This submission will be done as soon as the accounts have been audited as above.
The Licence fee is due at the end of the month and requires approval by the 200 Club and Gala. The Directors agreed to continue with this with Nick or Sarah to countersign cheques. This motion Proposed by Jenny and Seconded by Jamie
Nil new to report. The HRI account remains to be finalised as the costings need to be changed but we will await the Treasurer’s report. If we fail to get major funding, a contingency plan is required (Glasgow Lottery) and Jenny is working on this for the Assets Board, responsible for all public property and reporting to the Council. We also require to provide quarterly reports to Council. Community Enterprise bodies can help here and it would also be good to show we are seeking professional help. Jamie will look at this and contact Andrew Bruce who is anxious to help. The Stage 1 application was hampered by our lack of knowledge and Jenny will seek more information before the required date. Ian will get the Charity up-to-date for the Asset Board. The Stage 1 application should be submitted in February. ACTION: Jamie/Jenny/Ian
The amenities committee will meet on Thursday 29th January to discuss fund-raising for the coming year and identify ways of increasing use of the hall. The outcome will be reported at the next Board meeting. The fact that we no longer have a committee representative on MAC was highlighted and while it was agreed that it would be helpful for someone to attend the next meeting, if this was not possible a report from Nick would suffice. ACTION: Ian
‘Community Pay Back Time’ is being considered to paint the exterior of the building, with us providing the paint. It was suggested that Rhiannon (Maryburgh Youth Worker) be asked to help here and encourage youngsters’ involvement in maintenance of the hall.
Ian reported receiving a letter from Rhiannon, requesting a Skateboard Ramp in the new centre and indicating that some children plan to write outlining their own ideas. It was thought helpful to involve them in this way and with fund-raising, as we have identified a Play Area but have no ideas on usage. It was also suggested that we involve the Academy in identifying what the youngsters would like. Ian agreed to follow this up, proving to the Lottery that we are involving all sectors of the community. ACTION: Ian
12. VILLAGE HALLS GRANT STREAM (Reference Nos. SG10883 & SG 10866):
The application has been submitted with the accounts, bank statements and a copy of the Constitution. If successful, this would result in an annual sum of £1000 for the maintenance of the hall. Jenny will provide them with the bank details. ACTION; Jenny
13. HIRE OF BOUNCY CASTLE (Ben Wyvis/Conon Play Scheme in August):
Conon Play Scheme wish to hire this equipment from us and the question of cost and insurance was discussed. Loan was agreed and Ian will respond to Conon indicating this in principle but deferring until the question of Liability Insurance is checked. A decision was made to review the current insurance position for everything in the domain of the Board. Kate will also have to be informed on this. ACTION: Ian
Ian reported that registration remains under Maryburgh Amenities Association and cannot be updated while we are negotiating with the lawyers on the transfer of the lease. This is currently in Nick’s hands. OSCR will not recognise us until this is completed and no funding will be forthcoming until then. It was agreed that with the change in the lease, we may wish to extend it for Lottery funding and OSCR registration may be a pre-requisite of this.
No one is able to attend this event in February but there will be other opportunities.
This scheme exempts eligible Charities from utility charges and it was agreed that we apply by the submission deadline on 31st March 2015. The necessary account details would be sought to complete the on-Iine application form. Ian would deal with this. ACTION Ian
a) The insurance situation requires to be addressed and to this end, a copy of the Policy(ies) would be sought for review by the Board. Jenny agreed to attend to this. ACTION Jenny
The next meeting will be held in the Portacabin at 8 pm on Wednesday 18th March 2015.