24TH APRIL 2013 7pm
Present:Liz Sinclair (LS), Eilidh Green (EG), Jenny Maclennan (JM) Traci Payne(TP)Angus Christie (AC)
David Shearer
Apologies: Jamie Dunsmore, Andrew Matheson and Tom Thomas.
In the absence of the chairman items from the previous minutes were considered.
1. Matters arising:
Flooding at Albert Place/Ussie burn. No further feedback re this matter.
War memorial fund- Still awaiting Scottish Government’s decision.
Parking at Wrightfield- No feedback from Cllrs as yet.
Previous minutes adopted
Proposed JM Second TP
2. Old school building and grounds future use.
Questionnaires were sent out prior to the Easter holidays and are in the process of being collected.
MFG group meet regularly on the last Wednesday after CC in the small hall.
3. Finance
No treasurer report.
Balance approx £1,800
4. Correspondence
Big Lottery Community and Families Fund – grant programme (for groups that provide support for children 0-8). Information has been displayed on the noticeboard and passed onto the Maryburgh mother and toddlers group.
NHS Highland “Knowing me knowing you” Health familarisation event. Dingwall Leisure Centre 17th June 5-6.30pm. A networking event with Highland Highlife, NHS Community groups, Sports clubs, Local businesses, Community Enterprise .To determine how to provide more opportunities for people to become more active.
Date of next meeting
29th May AGM will precede the normal CC meeting at 6.30pm
Meeting concluded at 7.45pm