Present: Tom Thomas (TT), Eilidh Green (EG), Jenny Maclennan (JM), Cllr Mackenzie, Cllr Mackinnon, Cllr Paterson
Public Angus Christie, David Shearer.
Apologies: Jamie Dunsmore, Liz Sinclair, Cllr MacLean, Traci Payne
Meeting not in quorum
1. Matters arising:
Invitation to SSE to be extended.
Previous minutes not adopted.
2. Chair vacant position.
Andrew Matheson has been approached but has declined. JM as vice chair is willing to chair the meetings in the interim.
Post to be advertised in the roundabout.
3. Old school building and grounds future use.
Removal of school building is to be commenced on the 2nd September. Angus Christie explained that a letter has gone out to all residents whose properties are in close proximity. Residents living in Proby Street will have no access from their back gardens for 4-6 weeks. A number of residents are unhappy. He added that work had already taken place – the old canteen building roof had been removed 23rd August. Angus explained that the building was left unsecured and expressed concerns about safety.
Cllrs were unaware that any work had taken place. Cllr Mackenzie agreed to speak to Gary Westwater H.C. about the work that that has been carried out and discuss the residents concerns.
JM gave an update of the MFG (Maryburgh’s Future Group)
The group continue to meet weekly.
An open meeting had taken place on the 14th August at the hall. With the initial drawings on display of the possible use of the entire site. These are available to view online at .
District valuations had been received from HC.
Further funding from the Ward Discretionary had been approved for the 2nd phase (with a contribution from MAA and MCC) to retain the services of Highland Architecture and Sandy Anderson who will compile the business case which is to be presented to the HC by October2013.
4. MAC Ltd Membership
MAC Ltd has now been formed. Membership forms have been sent out to householders over 18 and those who are approaching 18.
MCC minutes 28/08/13 cont’d
Eilidh informed the group that up 2 members from the CC are to be invited onto the MAC Ltd board.
5. ABO Windfarm
Maryburgh CC has not applied to be a statutory consult.
Both Andrew and Roddy indicated they would attend the public meeting. No feedback from either as yet. Further letter of invitation to a site visit received. Email has been circulated to all CC members.
6. Finance
No treasurer report.
7. Correspondence
Ross memorial
Community council evaluation update
Streets signs have disappeared from Albert Place and Donald Cameron Court. TEC services to be contacted.
Parking issue at Wrightfield. A member of the public has been in direct contact with his local councillors. Cllr Mackinnon will be able to update the group soon re this matter.
Date of next meeting
25th September.