Present: Roddy Boyd (RB), Tom Thomas (TT), Andrew Matheson (AM), Liz Sinclair (LS), Eilidh Green (EG), Jamie Dunsmore (JD), Jenny Maclennan (JM) Angus Christie (AC), P.C. Eddie Mackenzie, Lynn Clark, John Clark, Pete Frame and Sandy Anderson.

Apologies: Traci Payne, Cllr Mackenzie and Cllr Mackinnon.

Matters arising:
SRTS – MCC emailed Neil Gilles and Chair of TECS re our concerns with the speed of the traffic going through the village and the build up of traffic at the Leanig junction on the A835 to be monitored now the new school had opened. Email response received from the Chair of TECS stating this issue would be formally addressed.
Albert Place- The problem with flooding, no further progress to report. Roddy will contact Cllr A. MacLean for an update.
Grit bins- All bins have been recently refilled.

Previous minutes adopted
Proposed Tom Thomas. Second Andrew Matheson.

The group welcomed PC Eddie Mackenzie who will be our point of contact, liaise with the MCC and attend the monthly meetings.
PC Mackenzie spoke about the restructuring of the force.
As from the 1st April Dingwall station will have no civilian cover from 8pm to 8am.
Discussion then took place about the speed of traffic through the village and the verbal reports of speeding, drivers being tail gated, and abusive behaviour from impatient drivers from residents. PC Mackenzie stated traffic police will visit the route in the next few weeks.
Residents are to be encouraged to report their concerns to the police so they can be logged and action taken.

Old school building and grounds future use.

Group welcomed Sandy Anderson to the meeting. Sandy had previously compiled the Community Facilities Needs Analysis (C.F.N.A) in 2010.
JM updated the group from the recent Future school use steering group meeting 16/01/13

Alistair Macnab had circulated a draft questionnaire for the community to all those who had attended the above meeting and was awaiting feedback.
MAA are still in the process of establishing a LTD company.
The steering is still loosely structured at present and this needs to be addressed.
At present the Highland Council’s Housing Department are conducting a desktop study.

AC had contacted Sandy Anderson and invited him to tonight’s meeting.
AC explained the present status;
· MAC continues under the auspices of MAA- sustainability?
· MAA has a number of years remaining within the lease of the football pitch and MAC site.
· The HC have given no information regarding terms and conditions for disposal of MPS along with the cartilage areas(hard standing and playing fields)
· MAA is in communication with OSCR to establish conditions for registration as a Charitable Limited Company.
· Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association have been drawn up for a Charitable Ltd Co. and a trading subdivision.
· The steering group needs to establish a business plan.
· The CFNA requires to be revised.
· The steering group requires professional help to progress with the following issues; Business plan, negotiations with HC, registration with Company House and OSCR.
AC asked Sandy to advise
What professional help is available?
The cost?
What funding is available?

Sandy felt it was premature to put a questionnaire out to the community and advised that we firm up our options and that a business plan can only relate to the actual option and we could not proceed with one till there was confirmation from the HC regarding the site.
Sandy agreed to look again at the CFNA. And will provide the group with a quote for his professional input.
MCC members will feedback to the Future use steering group on the 28/02/13
MCC thanked Sandy and he left the meeting.

Lochussie wind turbine application Ref 12/04402/FUL

RB updated the group . MCC had been given further time to respond to this application due to MCC winter break. A number of representations had been received from the community objecting to this application. Members of the community present spoke about their concerns and reasons for their objections.
Discussion took place and a vote to object to this application was proposed by EG and second by JD.
MCC voted unanimously to object and will enter the objection via the HC’s eplanning website.


Balance remains the same as the previous month.


Scottish Government. Coping with emergencies-Building Community Resilience.
To be discussed at next meeting.

Cabinet Office – Nomination for UK honours. Poster to be displayed.

Winter Resilience- Aid to Communities. Scheme aimed at supplying communities with their own snow clearing equipment and asking communities to organise their own volunteers. MCC agreed that this service was best met by the HC. No action to be taken.

NHS Highland Mid Ross District Partnership –inaugural meeting. Poster to be displayed.


TT spoke about a newspaper article informing communities of funds available from the Scottish Government to restore war memorials. EG commented that the railings of the Maryburgh memorial are badly corroded. Funding to be applied for.

It was brought to the group’s attention that Monday nights were not suitable for everyone, therefore agreement reached that MCC will meet on the last Wednesday of the month.

Date of next meeting 27th Feb 2013