Present: Tom Thomas (TT), Eilidh Green (EG), Jenny Maclennan (JM), Cllr MacKinnon
Public Angus Christie
Apologies: Jamie Dunsmore, Traci Payne and Liz Sinclair
No quorum
1. Matters arising:
Wrightfield parking _ Cllr Mackinnon met with Mr Shearer. No further incidents or complaints.
No community councillors were available to attend the ABO windfarm open day.
2. Old school building and grounds future use/ MFG
Nothing to report from the asset board. They are due to meet on the 3rd December. Cllr Mackinnon states he will be attending it. MFG will hold their next meeting after the asset board have met.
JM asked how “winter safe” was the building and could the building be put to use in the meantime.
Angus Christie put forward the suggestion that RCHS as well as the other user groups in the portacabin could possibly use the old school buildings in the event of portacabin lease running out.
Cllr Mackinnon will speak to the H.C. and advise.
3. Ben Wyvis School Update
Cllr Mackinnon provided an update. All sagging issues would be resolved by the 6th January. A complete breakdown of the cost has been promised. Cllr Mackinnon advised that the Audit and Scrutiny committee H.C. will be looking at the project costs.
4. Correspondence
· IMFDP – Unfortunately no community councillors were able to attend the recent consultation date.
Discussion took place. In the final draft the area of land along Dunglass road had been removed from the plan. Given the constraints of M1 and M2. MCC will enter a comment asking for the land along Dunglass Road is reinstated in the plan given the long term nature of the IMFDP. Info will be distributed to the community. Cllr Mackinnon did not take part in the discussion.
· Knockfarrel Post Office. Letter received from the P.O. re proposed permanent closure of this branch on the 5th December’13. The sub postmistress has retired and the branch has had no customers in the last year. MCC will not be contesting the closure. JM sated she would put in a personal response.
· Information leaflet re war memorials. MCC and Cllr Mackinnon discussed potential floodlighting of the war memorial and replacement of some of the railings, fixing the gate and cleaning the memorial. Next year is the 100yr anniversary. Funding to be applied for by the MCC.
5. MAC Ltd. Update
First board meeting has taken place.
Nick Thornton-Chair
David Robertson-Vice Chair
A paid secretary is to be appointed.
The constitution has been agreed. Other board members are Jenny Maclennan, Alistair MacNab and Traci Payne (MCC representative)
MFG- Jenny will chair these meetings and report back to the board.
6. Finance
No statement or report available. Cllr Mackinnon made comment that this should be available at each meeting. Assurances were given that this would be resolved.
Meeting concluded at 8.15pm.
Date of next meeting 29th January 2014 7.30pm