Present: Tom Thomas, Andrew Matheson, Jenny MacLennan, Jamie Dunsmore
Cllr MacKinnon
Sergeant Eddie MacKenzie
Public George Hogg, David Shearer, Audrey Calder, Gail Barnett
Apologies: Eilidh Green, Angus Christie, Traci Payne, David Robertson, Cllr MacLean and Cllr
1. Matters arising:
David Shearer and Cllr MacKinnon discussed the parking at the junction at Wrightfield instead of in the car park. Cllr MacKinnon stated that now that the problem has been flagged up and the community warden was aware of it and had attended there would hopefully be an improvement.
The Old School demountable huts and nursery are now demolished and Jenny stated there had been comments re the asbestos being left in a pile in the middle of the old playground but that has now all been cleared up. There were also a few upset that children’s work had been left up on some of the walls as they were being demolished. Jenny was pleased that everything had now been cleared up and the time capsule has not been disturbed.
2. MCC Committee Membership
This meeting was not quorate. Chairmanship is vacant and is being advertised in the Roundabout, if anyone knows of interested in joining the committee please contact the group.
3. MFG Update
MFG have continued to meet weekly which have had attendances from 4 to 10 people. Next week the 1st draft of the business case will be presented by Sandy Anderson. Options presented Sandy included applying to the Scottish land Trust, which could open up funding for a project manager for the entire project.
MCC minutes 25/09/13 cont’d
4. MAC Ltd
Maryburgh Amenities Company has now 95 members which is a very good response. The MAC inaugural meeting is on the 26/10/13 in the Amenities Hall when the Board of Directors will be set up. The Futures Group will be a sub-committee and members of the company must be resident in the post code area of Maryburgh and District CC as per the articles of association.
5. Finance
Cllr MacKinnon felt there should be a report finance as this is 3rd meeting he has attended with no finance report.
Jamie Dunsmore arrived at meeting a short while after and was able to give an update. He stated that approx. £500 – £600 was to help with Maryburgh Future Group funding.
Police Rep
Sergeant MacKenzie reported that there have been 170 incidents in Conon and Maryburgh area over the past weeks of these 170, 20 were in Maryburgh. The incidents included noise disturbance, speeding, youths being moved on from certain areas. There was a discussion about speeding in the village and noise of cars driven by boy racers, Sergeant MacKenzie said that the police would respond as long as they are made aware through the public phoning and reporting speedsters or any worrying problems, the number to use is 101 which is a non- emergency number. He stressed again that unless problems are reported by phone they will not be dealt with.
6. Correspondence
On the 27/09/13 the Highland Small Communities Trust are holding an open day at the Drummossie Hotel. Cllr MacKinnon suggested it would be a good idea for a CC rep to go along for information gathering and there may also be an opportunity to research sources of funding.
On the 26/09/13 the Energy Saving Trust is hosting a community’s event at the Centre of Health Sciences, Inverness.
7. School Demolition
A letter of thanks to the contractor Reigart was suggested by George Hogg and Audrey Calder as to the excellent manner in which the work had been carried out.
Sergeant MacKenzie left the meeting at 7.40pm.
MCC Minutes 25/09/13 cont’d
Ben Wyvis PS was on the front page of last weeks Ross-shire Journal stating a number of problems yet to be resolved. Cllr MacKinnon did not wish to comment any further on what has been printed in the paper as there is to be a meeting between him and other council members to discuss the points raised. Jenny wanted to know exactly what community facilities are provided at Ben Wyvis as we want the facilities in Maryburgh to complement what is in Ben Wyvis PS. Cllr MacKinnon stated that the tax payers will be informed what all costs etc were; every aspect will be discussed with the community. Ben Wyvis PS at present time is a safe environment.
There was an opportunity to raise any other issues with Cllr MacKinnon and with the onset of colder weather the question of grit bins being restored at the school was asked to be looked into.
Gully cleaning has been completed in Maryburgh.
Andrew Matheson stated that the Inner Moray Firth local plan has been adopted excluding the Dunglass fields which mean there is a very limited opportunity for housing to be built in Maryburgh because of this. It will be 10 years before the plan is reviewed. Jenny suggested this issue be pursued (re low cost housing in the village) as this now seems to have been shelved. The Planning Committee is being formed on 28/10/13 and suggestion that a letter should go to the new planning committee with reference to the disappointment at council for blocking the plans.
Cllr MacKinnon took no part in this discussion re planning.
There is to be a small hydro scheme (100kw) built at the weir at Dunglass Island of the type called Archimedes Screw. The amount of water that it will use is only what flows down the weir at the moment. Local fishermen have been consulted. There should be no impact as a dam pass will be installed.
Date of next meeting 30/10/13 at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME.