
The woodland is an irregularly shaped area of amenity land located between Birch Drive and Dunglass Road within the village. The 3.71ha site has full woodland cover, mainly broadleaves, with a mix of native and non-native species. The site was recently acquired by Maryburgh community and is a popular woodland frequently used by dog walkers and residents. The Highland Council Local Planning Authority (LPA) has placed the complete woodland under a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).

The woodland is mainly composed of common beech (Fagus sylvatica) (60%) and silver/downy birch (Betula pendula/pubescens) (30%) with a wide range of other species forming the remainder (10%). The trees on the site range in maturity from saplings to over-mature specimens.

The Maryburgh Community Woodland Group (MCWG) was formed as a subgroup of the Maryburgh Amenities Company, with responsibility for developing and maintaining the woodland for everyone within Maryburgh community. The MCWG consists of volunteers, who are all residents of the village. The Group meet monthly to plan for developing and maintaining the woodland. The meetings are open to anyone living in the village, and if you would like to get involved in the group, please let us know by contacting the group Secretary on our Contact Us page on this website.

Once they have been approved, the group Minutes of meetings are also available on this website.

The Area of Woodland

The map below shows the area covered by the Community Woodland marked in red