Tree Condition Survey

A tree condition survey was carried out on the 18th July by A Jackman & R Fraser (MArborA) BSc on behalf of Maryburgh Amenities Company. The objective of this survey was to record tree data to assess tree condition and provide management recommendations to mitigate the risk of tree failure where appropriate. Once the funding is available, MCWG will be obtaining quotes from qualified tree surgeons to carry out the maintenance work identified as part of this tree condition survey.


The trees marked by red circles are to be felled by 18th October. Trees marked by orange circles are to be felled by the 18 July 2025. Trees marked by green circles are to be monitored. Trees marked by a blue circles are to be felled, but no limiting date is set. Click on tree marker for further information.

Tree Work

Photo of broken Rowan tree in Community Woodland

Image by Siobhan Fraser

After inspection of all trees within the survey area, eleven trees were identified as requiring remedial tree work. Details of the recommended tree work can be found in the map above. Full details of tree conditions and locations of trees can be found in the attached map, by clicking on the various tree markers. Since the woodland is protected by a TPO, the community need to seek approval from the Highland Council before any trees can be cut down.


Whilst undertaking the tree survey, an issue of vandalism was identified in the woodland area, that requires attention. Observations revealed acts of vandalism affecting trees in the woodland. There are approximately 15-20 trees in total, and it appears that mature trees have been targeted. It is estimated that the damage was inflicted within the last 1-2 weeks. The wounds to the trees were created with a sharp object, similar to a small axe.

Anyone who wishes to read the full Tree Safety Survey and Condition report, please contact the MCWG, who will email you a copy of the report.