Could you be a Plant Detective?

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The Maryburgh Community Woodland Group plan to hold a Community Awareness raising event in the Woodland where invasive species will be highlighted and where younger members of our community will get the chance to “Plant Scavenge Hunt” for selected species.
Come and join our plant hunt!
Start point – Entrance to woodland on the grass space next to No. 25 Birch Drive
FREE event — suitable for all ages – no plant knowledge required
Special prizes for junior plant hunters
Our community woodland is home to lots of interesting plant species including mosses, grasses, flowering bulbs, perennials, and shrubs – not forgetting a wide variety of trees!
Some of these plants are native to Scotland, arriving here naturally thousands of years ago.
Others have arrived here with people either planted deliberately or escaping from our gardens.
- What plants are in our woodland?
- Where are they?
- How did they get there?
- Will they be good for the woodland, or might they cause problems?
- What can we do about it?
MCWG volunteers including an invasive species specialist will be on hand to provide help and advice along the way.